Photonic Scintillators
Scintillators are materials that exhibit luminescence initiated by the absorption of high energy photons or particles via an internal complex mechanism. They are used for various scientific and industrial application, such as X-ray imaging, particle detector, electron microscopy and many more. The applicability and efficiency of those materials are mostly determined by their energy stopping power, light yield, rise and decay time distribution, cost and production capabilities. In our research we are incorporating thin layers of scintillating materials within a photonic crystal multilayer structure. By engineering the dielectric environment light propagation will be enabled in specifically allowed guided modes, reducing interreflections. As a result, the emitted light will be enhanced at specific angle, therefore promoting spontaneous directional emission for efficient light extraction and collection as well as faster decay time. This manipulation of light is also known as the Purcell effect.
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Lead free double perovskite for scintillation
We utilize the facile anion exchange of the halide perovskite for tuning the excitonic properties in nanocrystals. Here we demonstrate the kinetics of such exchange. In the three minutes after the addition of Iodine to the colloidal suspension the absorption spectrum of the Cs2AgBiBr6 NCs dramatically changes. We will implement similar methods for developing next generation scintillating materials.